Registration and briefing for the event will be held on Friday, 29th January 2010 at respective school.

a.       Each team will consist of minimum of 2 and maximum of 4 participants including the Team Leader. It can be mixed of opposite gender.
b.        The Team Leader and members are required to complete the Entry and Indemnity Form. The Event Organiser and sponsors shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury suffered by the participants during the entire duration of event.
c.        Confirmation of your registration will be sent to you within ten (10) working days of receipt of your registration by Event Organiser by telephone or e-mail.

a.        This Competition is open to all the students from age 13 years old to 17 years old only.
b.        Photocopied competition forms are acceptable.
c.        This Competition has 3 stages and further instructions will be given in every stage.
d.        Eligible Participants are required to complete every stage given by the organizer in order to win a ticket to proceed to the next stage.
e.        The potential winner(s) will be notified via phone and/or email within one month after the end of the every stage. Should the attempt to call the potential winner(s) fails, i.e. no reply, telephone number not in service, no connection etc, Event Organiser reserves the right to select the next Eligible Participant and the same process will be repeated until a shortlisted winner (‘shortlisted winner’) is determined.

RM80.00 as per group,include of Quest For Hunt Event T-shirt,participate certificate and goody pack

a.        Results may be delayed or withheld where any of the Rules & Regulations have been breached.
b.        Event Organiser decision on all matters relating to this contest is final and binding and no correspondence will be entertained.
c.        In the event where there is any inconsistency (ies), conflict(s), ambiguity (ies) or discrepancy (ies) between English and Bahasa Malaysia versions of these terms and conditions, the English version of these terms and conditions shall prevail.
d.        Event Organiser publishing/displaying his/her names, identification number, city of residence, quotes and/or photographs for purposes of publicity, advertising and/or trade without further notice or compensation;
e.        Event Organiser reserves the right to cancel, terminate or suspend the team with or without any prior notice if it is found the participants have violated the rules and regulations of the competition. For the avoidance of doubt, cancellation, termination or suspension by Event Organiser of this Competition shall not entitle the Eligible Participant to any claim or compensation against Event Organiser for any and all losses or damage suffered or incurred by the Eligible Participant/ potential winner/ winner as a direct or indirect result of the act of cancellation, termination or suspension.

1)       Cheque/PO/MO made payable to Till D End Event Planner.
2)       Direct credit (must have bank-in-slip)
MAYBANK BERHAD A/C: 5124-1900-3948

Entries on the official Entry Forms and fees are to be submitted to:
1)       By hand in the respective school OR Fax your entry form together with bank-in-slip to: Fax: +603-8737 5987
By email your entry form together with bank-in-slip to: Email:
"the Perfectionist begin with Till D End Event Planner"